Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Musings During Church

To me, when a group of wealthy, protected suburbanites sing "you're all I need" to God when they know that they have homes to sleep in and money to buy food, it doesn't seem real. It seems like they don't know how to need Him. They say the need Him, and they may intend it for eternal salvation and such. But it seems fake. Like the lady who sings on stage with her massive cross necklace and poofy white hair and religiously pious attitude. Maybe she chose those things, but not really. Maybe she chose to dress/act that way because she wants to be religious, or accepted in a religious group, or even be a leader in said group. But in wanting to be religious, the mold formed her into that person. She was shaped by what she wanted to be.

I guess everyone is like that. I guess I'm shaped by wanting to be different, an individual, my own person. I guess I'm fed up with the religious/God mold. I resent the people who try to fit into it.

But I don't resent Rick. I don't resent Weathers. I don't resent anyone who has studied and is intellectually making a choice about what they believe.

But I hate kids who say religious things they don't mean because adults, who don't know what they mean either, brought them up at church so that they know how to act to be/sound religious, but don't actually know/believe what they are saying. I hate the whole lot.

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