Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wedding Bells Too Early

I met a girl that I think is cute. The problem is, we have only spoken a few times. We had a class together, but the class ended today, and I'm not sure that I will ever have another chance to interact with her because we don't have mutual friends. I think I'm going to adopt the attitude of if we're supposed to meet again, it'll happen or whatever. It just sucks in the meantime.

Meanwhile, I have two good friends who are thinking about getting married to their respective girlfriends. Thinking like, I just need to save up enough money and then I'll propose. When one of them told me, I was taken aback, namely because they are my age and will be getting married. That's something adults do. I'm still a kid. He said he has to save around $10,000 and then he will propose. I told him he should just play the lottery. Then we started speculating about what we would do if we won a huge amount of money. Almost Married Friend #1 said he would buy a ring, a house, and then put the rest into savings. Almost Married Friend #2 said he would do the same sort of thing. I said I would get new speakers in my car.

I think getting married now, at 19, is a dumb idea. You haven't lived at all. You haven't lived on your own even, for that matter. You will be chained to your parents because $10,000 won't last you through college and through the first few years of marriage. I want to tell them to live a little on their own, experience life through your own eyes before you see it through married eyes.

They might respond that they are so in love that they can't imagine life without their girlfriends. I don't know if that is dangerous or not. What happens when this amazing feeling wears off, when it's not exciting to make out anymore or to hold her hand or to tell everyone "this is my girlfriend"? I think it's dumb to depend on someone that much. Then again, I'm not in that position, so I don't know what that's like. So for now, I'm going to continue living, and looking every now and then.

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