Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Vietnam Response (Brief)

The dealings of the United States and Vietnam in the 1960's are shocking to me, namely because I didn't pay attention in high school history classes. For the first time, I have listened to the accounts of what happened in the 60's, and I am appalled. It's surprising to me how upset I am over a series of events that occurred over half a century ago. I think it's because our government blatantly chose to protect themselves, and in doing so, they neglected the oppressed and supported the oppressors.

Now, I understand that it is difficult for me to comprehend the state of the nation at that time, what with the Red Scare and all. Everyone was scared. Everyone was nervous. I get that. Nevertheless, I would think that someone, somewhere at that time would see how wrong the United States was and do something to stand up against it. Thankfully, I was right, as seen in the YouTube video of a news report that showed thousands of protesters marching against the war. People were burning draft cards, holding signs, and standing up against the government, even in the face of water hoses and possible arrest. The nation knew that our government was interfering in a conflict that we had no business being in, and the people found a way to express their discontent.

The United States, in supporting France in the war, showed their belief that humans should do whatever is necessary to protect themselves and their people. However, the people of the United States believed the opposite view, that we should help those in need rather than try to protect ourselves. Obviously, I agree with the nation on this point. I'm angered that the government would take advantage of time, resources, and people in order to safeguard their ideals.

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