Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Old Music

I'm not embarrassed about what music I used to listen to, mainly because of the feelings associated with the songs are so strong that it's hard to hate them. For example, "Then I Did" by Rascal Flatts pulls me back to middle school, for some reason Kristen Atkinson's house when we watched "The Grudge," but I didn't want to watch it, so I ended up in a room with Britney Daniels and some other people I don't remember, watching "Jersey Girl." This whole story was full of crappy movies and music, but the song somehow, for some reason gets to me and makes me nostalgic. Taylor Swift's "Teardrops on my Guitar" reminds me of a time in middle school when I was infatuated with Karlie Hatchett, and this song was her Myspace profile song. Okay, I feel a little shame about this one, but just because of Myspace. I remember wanting to be her boyfriend so badly that it hurt. God, I am embarrassed of who I was then. I hate who I was, namely because I didn't know who I was, I didn't even care for that matter. Acedia about an identity was what I had.

Nevertheless, back then, music affected me more than I think it ever has. I would stop whatever I was doing and sing with these crappy country songs at the top of my lungs. There's something to say for that.

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