Monday, August 9, 2010

An Empty Heart

How is it that I don't care about injustice, or kids on the street, or remodeling of a church? Yes, I have an opinion about these things, but there is no place in my heart that burns and cries and breaks for them- for anything. I am uncomfortably numb. How do you start caring about things? Probably living. Because I haven't had to care about anything here, in my rich, white, American life. I could just go to school and church and family functions and only concern myself with trivial and useless activities that I later grew to despise like basketball. I am the culmination of a life of selfishness, in that I have never cared about anything, so I don't care about everything. Is the solution to start caring about someting? I first thought about caring for others, intentionally acting to make others' lives happier or more pleasant or better. Maybe that's the way. But I want my heart to break for something like Cari's heart breaks for injustice. I want to care about something.

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